Wendy and I met during a poetry performance in Queens. Unbothered by the 102 degree heat wave, she listened to me shout verses into a thick summer night and bought my first book. Later that month, I invited her to an open mic at Hunter College where she read her poetry to a crowded room for the first time. She supported my feature performances, encouraged me to tackle taboo subjects and trusted me with early drafts of her work. Because of her love and respect for poetry and prose, her passion for creativity, her non- stop work ethic and her vivacious nature, I agreed without hesitation to aid Wendy in producing her annual art and poetry festival in Queens known as Canvas of Words. Following the success of Canvas of Words, Wendy has built her own empire with Wendy Angulo Productions where she continues to create and support artistic endeavors as well as manage an eclectic group of Spoken Word performers. Our working relationship has led to a friendship based on a mutual understanding for dreaming OUTRAGEOUSLY BIG, and a healthy respect for reciprocity. When we met that scorching summer night, I knew Wendy was part of a rare breed of women who finds opportunity and promise where others don’t. She blazes her own path and I am honored to call her partner, friend and mujer!

Photo By Pepper Negron