“Somos principalmente nosotros quienes construimos nuestra felicidad” (it lays on us the responsibility of building our own happiness)~ Annette Angulo, Trademark, Patent and Copyright Venezuelan Lawyer, My Sister.
It is said that having a sister is like having a friend for life. Because she is that friend that was there from the beginning of your life and will stay till the end. I couldn’t agree more, that is my sister!
Thirty seven years ago today I was blessed with her presence and from the moment she was born she has been my companion and protector.
I still remember that time back in school when I was being bullied by a group of older students during recess and she broke in the middle of the group and defended me. She has never been the quiet one, she always has something to say and will not holdback.
Annette is a goal getter and from a very young age was determined to succeed.
In 2002 she finished Law School and graduated from the prestigious Universidad Catolica Andres Bello in Caracas, Venezuela to then immediately pursue a masters degree in Intellectual Property followed by a specialization in Patents and Trademark, Copyright and Litigation of Trademarks, licensing contracts and telecommunications.
She is a member of CODAVI (Venezuelan College of Intellectual Property) and a member of the Intellectual Property Committee of VENANCHAM (Venezuelan-American Commerce and Industry Committee).
She has written several articles related to the Reform of Intellectual Property Laws of Venezuela that has been published in The Intellectual Property annual magazine of Venezuela . She is a full time Senior Associate at Marquez, Henriquez, Ortin & Valendon Law Firm and of course she is Wendy Angulo Productions Intellectual Property and Trademark of counsel.
I admire her determination, responsibility and special attention to detail in everything she does both on the professional and personal level.
Besides being a successful lawyer, she is also a full time mom and wife that manages to do it all. She has mastered the ability to balance her professional and personal life without leaving any of the two unattended. She is an example of woman that do it all and do it right.