Our first experience working with Wendy Angulo Productions was during the “Summer of Wordz” Workshop held this past summer. The workshop was very organized and a helpful experience for me, it challenged me in unexpected ways, as an artist, a curator and in the personal front as well. Wendy Angulo has been very supportive from the very beginning and very much involved in every aspects of our artistic growth.
Aside from Summer of Wordz, we at Wordat4F, as curators of the Apt78 spoken word series and the Teen spoken word workshop have received a surprising amount of mentor-ship, support, and encouragement from Wendy Angulo Productions. Wendy Angulo Productions has always made themselves available in assisting, sponsoring, and promoting several of our projects and community activism events. We are pleased to have come across Wendy Angulo Productions. I can foretell that with their humility and inclination to push and promote artists in the spoken word field, they will create an even bigger following. It has been a pleasure to collaborate with them and we hope to continue doing so for a long time.